What is ASP.net ?
The full form of ASP.NET is the active server page. There is a development framework to create asp.net pages. Asp Microsoft is the first side scripting language. It runs on Linux, Window, and mac-OS.It was released in December 1996. The net framework can work with many programming languages such as C#, vb.net, c++ and f#.
asp.net is a web development platform that provides a programming model with a comprehensive software infrastructure and requires various services to build web alternative web applications and mobile devices for PCs.
asp.net operate on top of the HTTP protocol. It is cross platform.
.Net Framework Components -
- Common Language Runtime
- .Net Framework Class Library
- Common language specification
- Common type system
- Metadata and Assembly
- Window form
- asp.net and asp.net (ajax)
What is .net framework ?
The .net framework is a software framework, designed and developed by Microsoft. The first .Net framework was 1.0 which came in 2002.It is used to develop form-based applications, web-based applications, and web services. The .NET Framework supports over 60 programming languages with 11 programming languages developed by Microsoft.
Main component of CLR.
Common Language Runtime - This is the basic and virtual machine component of the .NET Framework. It is a run time environment in the .NET Framework.Framework Class library - It is a collection of reusable, object oriented class libraries and methods etc. that can be integrated with CLR. Also known as the assembly.

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