What is the simon model in mis ? Type Of Decision, Structure Decision & Un-structure Decision

anand kumar
What is the Simon model in MIS ? 

In MIS, the Simon model provides a conceptual design of decision-making. In which the designer has to design the system in such a way that the problem is identified in precise terms. In the phase of an option, the designer should help select criteria to select one of several options.

Three Phases in the decision-making process

Intelligence Phase - This is the first step in the decision-making process. In this stage, the decision maker identifies the problem or opportunity.

In the managerial context, a problem is finding something that is not according to plan, rule, or standard.

Design Phase - Design is the process of designing a solution to a problem. Alternative solutions have been devised to solve the same problem. After collecting data about the solution, each alternative solution is evaluated.

Choice Phase - This is the stage. In which the probabilities are compared against each other to find the most suitable solution. The best solution can be identified using quantitative tools such as decision tree analysis, force analysis, etc.

Type Of Decisions

Structure decisions

Structure decisions can be called programmable decisions or pre-plan decision which are determined. Which involves such a process  Where the decision in process involves such circumstances Where the decision-making process includes the procedure to be followed or the rules developed for them.

A structured decision may include what is known as deterministic decisions or an algorithmic decision.

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Characteristics of structure decision

  • The cost of making such a decision is not as high as that of unstructured people.

Unstructured decision 

These types of decisions are occasional and unique in nature. There is no predetermination available to solve these problems and a new analysis is required for each event. The top-level manager is usually faced with the status of making such unstructured decisions. Even unstructured decision are not simple.

Characteristic unstructured decision

  • These decisions cannot be delegated.
  • The cost of making such a decision is quite high. Compared to structured judgment.