What is System ?
A system is a component that communicates to fulfill a certain purpose. The system consists of different components. And all the components do their own work.All these components work together to fulfill a certain purpose.
In another language, systems are the collection of different component. which work together to achieve some goals.
Ex - A computer is an example of a system that consists of different components such as a keyboard, mouse, CPU, monitor. These are all components of a computer.
Why to study system in MIS ?
The concept of system play a very essential and a defining role in the management information system. It can be called as the backbone of the management information system.we know that system is the regularly interacting, interdependent and interrelated group of components working to achieve the common goal.
A system which manage the information of all level of management of an organization is MIS.
So a complete understanding of system components system definition, system design and system implementation is very important for development of an information system.
Characteristic Of System
- Organization
- Interaction
- Interdependence
- Integration
- Central Objective
Organization - An organization refers to a structure and its relationship. There are many components in any organization that Complete a task.
For example, in a business system, there is a main owner, below that there are managers, workers, etc.
All these are structurally connected to each other. Similarly, in the system too, All these are structurally connected to each other. Similarly, the system also has more than one component which works together.
Interaction: - Interaction means that the components of the system connect to each other and complete a task.
Interdependence - All components of a system are dependent on each other, without one the work of the other cannot be completed.
Integration:- There is coordination among the various components of the system.Correct co-ordination between all components of the system is essential for system success.
Central Objective - Any system is made to achieve any one task or goal. In a system, its goal should be clear and realistic.
Type Of System
- Physical or abstract system
- Open or closed system
- Deterministic or probabilistic system
- Formal or informal information system
- Permanent and Temporary System
Physical system & Abstract system
Physical system are the system which we can touch & see physically. For Example a mobile phone we can touch and see such system are called physical system.For example -part of a computer center are the desk, chairs etc. That facilitate operation of the computer. They are static and programmed computer is dynamic.
Abstract system are the system which we know are there but we cannot see them and touch physically.For Example : organisational hierarchy.
Deterministic system & Probabilistic system
Deterministic system are the system in which we can determine the output in advanced. The routine activities or the system which run in routine in everyday life. You knows the output in advanced such system are called as deterministic system.Probabilistic system are the system in which we cannot predict the output in advance that what is going be the output of system.for example - we cannot predict what will be the result. such system are called as probabilistic system.
Open System & Closed System
Open system are system which can take input from the external environment and it can modify itself or it can update itself according to input form the external environment.so takes input form the environment and its changes with the change in the environment. such system are called as open system.
Closed system are the system which don't interact with external environment they don't take any input form external environment, they do not change according to the change the external environment and ultimately they collapse.
Permanent system & Temporary system
Permanent system are the system which are developed for being used permanently. They persist and are used for long time. For example business police once defined will be permanent or portable of a university.Temporary system are the system which made for specific period of time and after the task is completed that they are demolished. For example, a computer converted into server by installing server program and later remove that server program. .